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Leadership and Management in High performance Sport

Assignment one Brief: Critically summarise a sport or a professional sports club’s approach to achieving successful performance.

                                                       "British Cycling Team"
 - Introduce your chosen case study (British Cycling team) and the Spliss model, its origin in terms of De Bosscher research and its significant from when it was published.
 - Highlight and discuss the significant of British Cycling team performance in relation to three or Four Spliss model pillars which you feel are most appropriate for British Cycling team.
 - In conclusion/ summary, highlight the future for performance sports in terms of where you feel British cycling team could invest or perhaps need to focus on in the future. Likewise you may want to consider if the Spliss research was completed today, what areas may come up which is relevant to Cycling

 - More tips
 1 Do not exceed the word limit of 2,000 words excluding any illustrative tables, charts, formulae, references, appendices, or calculations that you have included.  Your word count should be clearly stated on the front page (cover sheet) of your report.  You will be penalised if your report is significantly below or above the word limit (i.e. below 2,000 words, or above 2,200 words).

2. Use a report format with appropriate headings, 1.5 or double line spacing and font size no less than 12. Use a contents page listing the report sub-headings and page references should be included. 

-       Managing High Performance Sport by Popi Sotiriadou; Veerle De Bosscher 2013

-      A mixed methods approach to compare elite sport
policies of nations. A critical reflection on the use

of composite indicators in the SPLISS study


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